Seasonal Family Box $75

Seasonal Family Box $75

from A$75.00 every week

What’s inside this week

Onions, Potato, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Lettuce, Cherry Toms / Cucumber / Avocado

Seasonal (A delicious selection of some of these items will be in your box)

Celery / Capsicum / Asian Greens / Brussel Sprouts / Eggplant / Corn / Broccoli / Leeks / Cabbage / Beetroot / Zucchini / Shallots / Cauliflower / Beans /Melons / Berries/ Pears / Pineapple/ Stone fruit

Fruits Each Week

Apples / Banana / Oranges

We do encourage you to advise us of any items your house won’t eat so we can make sure they are not included in your boxes as boxes may change this week pending on stock availability.

We can allow up to 2 swaps for similar items working within the box limits for the current week.

Items required outside of the box are of course always able to be purchased and added to your order.

While we will ensure your delivery is of top quality and good value we may need to make changes due to availability on the day.
