Bread, Eggs, Fruit and Veg
Bread, Eggs, Fruit and Veg
Bread, Eggs, Fruit and Veg Med and Large
Each Week you’ll find all your staples below plus bread of your choice and free range eggs.
Onions, Potato, Sweet Potato, Tomato, Lettuce, Cherry Toms / Cucumber
Seasonal (A selection of these items will be in your box)
Jap Pumpkin 1/4 / Celery / Capsicum / Asian Greens / Brussel Sprouts / Eggplant / Corn / Broccoli / Koh Rabi / Leeks / Cabbage /Shallots / Cauliflower / Beans / Beetroot / Zucchini / Melons / Berries /Mandarins / Avocado / Stone Fruit
Apples / Banana / Oranges
We do encourage you to advise us of any items your house won't eat so we can make sure they are not included in your boxes as boxes may change this week pending on stock availability.
This is our best seller including free range eggs, sandwich loaf or sourdough and a box of hand selected seasonal fruits, fresh herbs, salad items and veggies all chosen by our fantastic quality assurance team, will impress the whole family.
While we will ensure your delivery is of top quality and good value, we may need to make changes due to availability on the day.